Sunday, February 22, 2009


Alright, I am getting kinda tired of my music playing every time I open my blog, but for some reason I cannot get it off. Every time I try to edit that add-on it says there is an error and shuts down the internet. Any suggestions?

Birthday Picts!

We finally got Kevin's 8 year picts back and wanted to share them with everyone.

He's getting so big. I'm having a hard time keeping up!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Kevin got baptized on Saturday 1-31-2009. I am so proud of him and the decision he made. He was a little skeptical about it for a while. Joe and I did some special Family Home Evenings on it to help him get past it but he still was struggling. One night I told him maybe he should pray to Heavenly Father and see what He wanted Kevin to do. After he prayed he said "Mom, I think I got my answer." I asked him what it was and he said "I have a really good feeling so I know it's right and i'm going to be baptized." How amazing is that?! I love Kevin so much!!!! He's such a good boy and a great big brother.