Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Kyson turns 3 months

Kyson is such a cute little stinker. Here are some of his 3 month pictures. We had a hard time getting any without his hands in his mouth. I'm so excited that he has blue eyes. We call them his lady killers.

All she wants for Christmas......

Kailey finally lost her first tooth!!!!! She has been working on it for months. Daddy finally yanked it out on Monday (the 21st).


We had our ward Christmas party on Saturday. We had some yummy food and got to listen to the primary sing some beautiful songs. Most important (to the kids at least) Santa showed up!!!! Surprisingly enough I had to beg and drag Kailey to sit on his lap. Completely out of character for her. Usually she is the first one to ham it up for a stranger. She was kinda mad at me but I still got a picture out of her. She asked for a diamond styler for her hair. Ask me later and I'll explain what that is.
Kevin had no problem climbing on Santa's lap once his friend Zach said he would do it. He asked for lego's (no surprise there).
Korbyn didn't have a problem either. He just wanted the candy canes that Santa was giving out. Once he got his he promptly ate it plastic and all.
Kyson was a good sport also. As long as he couldn't see Santa he did great. I'm pretty sure he asked for lots more sleep for mommy. What a sweet boy.

3rd Grade Christmas Program

Here's some pictures of Kevin's Christmas program. He was stuffed in a corner with a bush in front of him so it was tough to see. He actually sang this year which is a huge change from every other year. I guess it just goes to show that he is growing up!

Tiny Dancer

Kailey has been taking a dance class that is ballet and tap for the last couple of months. She just had her first recital. It was super cute. Her teacher had them perform for the Fairwinds Retirement Home. The Grandmas and Grandpas loved every minute of it! I have to say Kailey was the cutest little girl there!!!! (then again i'm pretty biased).

Korbyn and Santa.

We have a Santa Clause that's about the same size as Korbyn and Korbyn has decided he is his best friend. He packs him around and loves him, I even caught him changing his diaper :^) You know it's love when a boy will do that! I didn't get a picture of the diaper change but I got some cute ones of Korb and his best bud! Yes those are Kailey's snow boots!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This one's for you Julie!!!

My friend Julie Poole moved to Wyoming a couple of months ago and she wanted to see how big Kyson has gotten. So here you go.....

Monday, December 7, 2009

Decorating the tree

We finally got to put up our tree. Boy the kids were so excited. We even had Grandma Brown helping out. This was the first year Korbyn was able to really help out. As you can see by his picture he was pretty happy about that!


O.k so there are moments in every moms life that make you proud to be a mom. When Korbyn isn't busy being 2 he can be pretty adorable. I caught him being such a good big brother to Kyson the other day. First of all he read him a book....

Then he helped him with his tummy time. He thought for sure I was torturing poor little Kyson so he had to make sure he was OK. Too cute.....

Monday, November 30, 2009


To say the least our Thanksgiving was a special treat! First of all, I had surgery on Monday the 23rd to have a hernia repaired. I really thought I would be up and bouncing around in 2 days--boy was I wrong. It hurt like ---- (you fill in the blanks). Joe was such a good husband though. He took most of the week off and his mom came and helped a ton (thank you mom). So, for Thanksgiving I stayed home while Joe took the kids to his parents house for dinner. That night practically the whole family got a stomach virus. Most of Joe's family was taken out by the darn thing. What a nice way to end a really big meal, right. I didn't even go to the dinner and I was throwing up Friday night (not something you want to do with a big cut in your stomach). Joe got sick Thursday and throwing up Friday morning but still went and worked a 14 hour day. What a trooper. He's pretty convinced he's tougher than the rest of us. The only ones to make it out of the mess were Joe's oldest brother's family.
Now we can put that fun memory aside and move on to (hopefully) a better and healthier Christmas!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Birthday picts!!!

These are some of Kailey's 6 year birthday pictures. She sure is getting big (and sassy). I can't believe how much she is starting to look like me.

These are some of Korbyn's 2 year birthday pictures. We were really worried that is was going to be horrible but he was soooo good. He's such a sweetheart!

Monday, November 2, 2009


The best part of Halloween is picking out the perfect pumpkin & getting to carve it into the perfect face. Getting to play in the goop is also fun!!!

This year Kevin got to carve his own. Wow! was he excited! This is the final result.....

And Kailey's masterpiece....

Korbyn and Kyson didn't want to dig in the guts so they just did Mr. Pumpkin head pieces. Here are theres....

Daddy made his famous pumpkin man again this year....

After all that we got to celebrate the candy getting part of Halloween. This year Kevin was a storm trooper, Kailey was a mouse (she kept saying she was a rat), Korbyn was a bat, & Kyson was a little monster (very fitting)....

We went around the neighborhood and got tons of candy. This was the first year Korbyn was excited about it all. I pushed him around in his car and he ate the suckers people gave him.

While we were out collecting candy, Daddy and Kyson stayed home and watched football and handed out candy. This is how Kyson spent the night....
I hope everyone had as great a time as we did!!!! Happy Halloween!!!!