Monday, September 13, 2010

Our new addition

Meet Gordo...our new kitten. Ever since Tora (our old cat) has been gone my kids have begged and pleaded for a new pet. Our Aunt Millie's cat had babies sometime in June and my kids have been pretty insistent on having one of her kittens. They each had one they loved the most picked out. Yes, I caved and the result....Gordo. It means fat in Spanish. He's very lovable and nice. He climbs right into Kyson's lap and doesn't mind at all when Korbyn hauls him around like a sack.

Beware the posts!

I'm just going to warn you before you go any further. I just posted a ton of pictures! August and so far September have gotten away from me. This was the first opportunity to post anything soooo you've been warned!!!

Labor day family reunion

Our annual family reunion at Palisades.
Grandpa, Kyson, & Nick
Grandma (standing) chatting with the girls
Kevin and Nick
Grandpa doin what he does best!
Kyson's first vinegar cucumber
Kailey, Korbyn, & Ryan
Waiting for food!!!!!

Um tight spot?

Joe took these pictures of Kyson. I'm not to sure what he was after but, anyhow........


A word to the wise-when you plant a garden be prepared to some canning. So far I've been lucky (or chicken) enough to never have to can anything by myself. This year? No such luck. It seems all my canning partners were already up to there elbows in projects. So, after taking VERY careful notes from Millie and toting her canner home I set off to can beans, ALONE. I was convinced something was going to explode on me but, I came out with 17 pints of perfectly canned beans. Only 1 didn't seal. YAY me!!!!

1st day of school

The long awaited day has arrived!!!! As of August 31st Kailey is in 1st grade and Kevin is in 4th. That means I am down to only 2 kids during the day. I do have to say Kailey was more excited than me for the big day. Why? you ask. Simply because she gets to eat lunch at school! It's been a huge dream of hers since she found out she wouldn't be eating it in kindergarten. We woke up bright and early and did Kailey's hair sooo cute, looked out the window and this is what we saw......
Yuck! What a cruddy first day! I wasn't able to go to the school to take pictures of them standing in there new class lines (because of the 2 little ones and the rain).

Some supervision, please!

Have you ever wondered what babies do when you are off in another room and they are super quiet?
Now you know.

Red Bulls

Kevin has started flag football again. He's pretty much the only 4th grader still playing due to the fact his mom is a scaredy pants and refuses to put him in Grid Kids. This will be the last year he will play flag then I have no choice but to put my tiny baby boy in full on tackle football. sigh. I do have to say he's pretty much a rock star though. He's awesome!!!!! He's the one with the black hat on.

Rock the Falls!

After many, many, many, many (I could go on but, you get the point, right?)years of Joe and our friend Chris going to rock concerts and NEVER thinking of asking me if I would like to go, I finally convinced them that I needed a night out. Chris bought tickets for the 3 of us to the Rock the Falls concert at Sandy Downs. The line-up was Kip Winger (who?), Royal Bliss (from SLC but very much not Mormon), Warrant (heard of but have no idea what they sing), and Cinderella (Yikes). What was I doing here? Aside from all the drunks and having no clue what these people were singing, I had a great time. I threw myself into it and pretty much made a fool out of myself but I'm pretty sure no one else was sober enough to care about let alone remember the crazy lady so, all's well that ends well.
Kip Winger
Royal Bliss
Warrant (yep, a little cliche but, it's the classic rockers pose)
Chris, to cool for pictures at a concert
Joe's drunk impression

My littlest helper

Kyson love to help with the dishes. He is SUPER helpful. When he's finished I generally have to hunt down all of the things he took out and re-wash them all but hey, I'm not complaining. I'll take all the help I can get!

My birthday suprise.

When you get to my age (32) you pretty much write off your birthday. I never would have thought in a million years my husband was planning something spectacular for me. He had his mom all set up to watch all 4 of the kids and we went to Lagoon. We made it to Utah on Sunday the 15th and we wandered around Temple Square. This is my most favorite part of the whole thing. You can feel the Spirit so strong here.......
Then on the 16th we hit Lagoon. Joe took some pictures of us on the rides.
Yes, that is shear terror on my face! No, I'm not much of a fan but, as you can see, Joe is having the time of his life. Thank you for the awesome weekend hubby, I love you!