To say the least our Thanksgiving was a special treat! First of all, I had surgery on Monday the 23rd to have a hernia repaired. I really thought I would be up and bouncing around in 2 days--boy was I wrong. It hurt like ---- (you fill in the blanks). Joe was such a good husband though. He took most of the week off and his mom came and helped a ton (thank you mom). So, for Thanksgiving I stayed home while Joe took the kids to his parents house for dinner. That night practically the whole family got a stomach virus. Most of Joe's family was taken out by the darn thing. What a nice way to end a really big meal, right. I didn't even go to the dinner and I was throwing up Friday night (not something you want to do with a big cut in your stomach). Joe got sick Thursday and throwing up Friday morning but still went and worked a 14 hour day. What a trooper. He's pretty convinced he's tougher than the rest of us. The only ones to make it out of the mess were Joe's oldest brother's family.
Now we can put that fun memory aside and move on to (hopefully) a better and healthier Christmas!
Cream Fried Eggs
2 weeks ago