I have got to be the biggest air head! I just noticed that the pictures of Korbyn's 3rd birthday where actually the pictures of Kyson's 1st birthday! I guess you know when you have enough children when you don't notice the difference between them! :*) It is now fixed so we can all see how much fun Korbyn actually had on his birthday!
Today is the first day of Thanksgiving break and what started out to be a rainy cruddy day has turned into a winter wonderland. My kids took advantage of the snow. Korbyn lasted about 15 minutes and came in for some hot chocolate and cookies. Kevin & Kailey stayed out and attempted to make some paths in it. Why they are using there heads I will never know!
Due to my ever increasingly busy life I continue to fall waaaaaay behind on my blog, which leads to an extreme overload of posts when I get a second. Thankfully it is now caught up (again) and everyone can quit wondering if the Brown family had been blown away in the Idaho wind. You can click on any of the collages to see the pictures bigger.
We have been having some very mild weather lately. Even though you won't hear me complain about it we have had some things going on the you really NEVER see in the month of November. Like mowing the lawn. Usually that task is easily done by the middle of October and playing in water and ice without a shirt on. It's crazy to see the kids still wearing shorts and flip flops when we should have snow!!!!
As we all know Halloween was kinda drug out this year with technically 3 days to celebrate (which we took full advantage of...of course). My kids went trick or treating 3 times this year and let's just say by the time the actual day rolled around we were Halloweened out. This year Kevin was Joe (a pharmacist), Kailey was the cutest black cat around, Korbyn was Thomas the Train (I was informed by my sister that it was really James the Train but don't tell Korbyn), and Kyson was Chewbacca but we lovingly dubbed him Cry-bacca. For those of you who know him you can guess why. :^)
Korbyn is moving ever upward in toddler-hood. He's had a big year with some huge accomplishments. Namely potty training and becoming a big brother. My little sweetie is now the big 3. He is the most loving, cuddliest boy around!! Love you buddy!!!
Gwen and I wanted an excuse to dress up and be even crazier than normal....the solution....a Halloween party of course. We invited our neighbors & people from our ward. It's amazing what a little make-up and a change of clothes can do to say our Elder's Quorum President or our Ward Mission Leader! hahaha We can always count on our friend's to have a great time and make us laugh untill we (almost) pee....hmmmm 3 bathroom noises please!!!! Thank's guys for making our party a success. Untill next year!!!!
Everyone had probably heard (and are sick of it) how much I miss Boise and my friends there so, we planned a trip to go visit them over Conference weekend. We had tons of fun with them and there kids. Joe and Andrew got to have some guy time at Men's Conference and Amy and I got girl time after. The cutest thing was watching our kids together. It's amazing how they can go so long not seeing each other and not miss a beat when they see each other again. There are also advantages in having your best friend be a photographer. Love you Amy! She took birthday pictures of Kailey, Korbyn, and Kyson while we where there. I have to say the results are fabulous!
On our way home Sunday we stopped for a breather in Twin Falls and we got to see some parachuters jumping off the bridge. Highlight of the drive for sure!
Kailey is such a helper. She got roller skates for her birthday and Korbyn was so jealous. She said that's OK he can use mine. She took it upon herself to show him how to do it. She even made sure he was properly protected. She also attended the Hillcrest cheer camp and now she wants to be a cheerleader for sure. I have to say she was super cute out there. As soon as the music started for her dance she started shaking her booty!!!
Our pretty princess is now officially 7. She had a great time and got everything she wanted (her words not mine). She's a doll and is a great joy to all of us! Love you Kailey Mailey!
In September we attended the Shelley Spud Day for the very first time EVER! I know you are thinking "you have lived in Idaho Falls your whole life, how could you possibly have missed that?" Simply because I've actually really never been to Shelley. It's kinda just a town to pass through to get to the next bigger town. Anyway my friend Gwen is from there and she invited us to come. We got to experience an actual demolition derby and truly had a blast and got to get our "hillbilly on".
Meet Gordo...our new kitten. Ever since Tora (our old cat) has been gone my kids have begged and pleaded for a new pet. Our Aunt Millie's cat had babies sometime in June and my kids have been pretty insistent on having one of her kittens. They each had one they loved the most picked out. Yes, I caved and the result....Gordo. It means fat in Spanish. He's very lovable and nice. He climbs right into Kyson's lap and doesn't mind at all when Korbyn hauls him around like a sack.
I'm just going to warn you before you go any further. I just posted a ton of pictures! August and so far September have gotten away from me. This was the first opportunity to post anything soooo you've been warned!!!
A word to the wise-when you plant a garden be prepared to some canning. So far I've been lucky (or chicken) enough to never have to can anything by myself. This year? No such luck. It seems all my canning partners were already up to there elbows in projects. So, after taking VERY careful notes from Millie and toting her canner home I set off to can beans, ALONE. I was convinced something was going to explode on me but, I came out with 17 pints of perfectly canned beans. Only 1 didn't seal. YAY me!!!!
The long awaited day has arrived!!!! As of August 31st Kailey is in 1st grade and Kevin is in 4th. That means I am down to only 2 kids during the day. I do have to say Kailey was more excited than me for the big day. Why? you ask. Simply because she gets to eat lunch at school! It's been a huge dream of hers since she found out she wouldn't be eating it in kindergarten. We woke up bright and early and did Kailey's hair sooo cute, looked out the window and this is what we saw......
Yuck! What a cruddy first day! I wasn't able to go to the school to take pictures of them standing in there new class lines (because of the 2 little ones and the rain).